Case report: CMV colitis in patients with prolonged bloody diarrhea

  • Mã bài báo : EN0807
  • Ngày xuất bản : 29/04/2021
  • Số trang : 89-95
  • Tác giả : Nguyen Thuy Dung
  • Lượt xem : ( 588 )

Danh sách tác giả (*)

  • Nguyen Thuy Dung 1 - Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital
  • Pham Ngoc Minh - Department of Parasitology, Hanoi Medical University
  • Le Viet Nghia - Hanoi Medical University
  • Doan Thi Hai Yen - Hanoi Medical University


We report 1 case of CMV ulcerative colitis in an 80-year-old female patient presented to the Gastroenterology Department of Bach Mai with a 3-weeks history of bloody stools. She had ulcerative colitis 2 years ago with 2 weeks of treatment at Bach Mai hospital, with no history of prolonged corticosteroids used. The patient had abdominal pain around the umbilical and hypogastric region, severe fatigue, weight loss (9 kilos/1 month), mild anemia. Colonoscopy images showed: bleeding ulcerative colorectal inflammation (CMV is not excluded), biopsy samples acquired for pathology identification. CMV load in the blood was at 5,8 x 10^3 cp/ml. Immunohistochemical staining of colon fragment showed a positive nucleus for cytomegalovirus. The cure for CMV ulcerative colitis, ganciclovir, was started immediately thereafter, the clinical outcome has improved, and the patient was discharged and continued outpatient treatment, maintaining oral valganciclovir.

Keywords: CMV, bloody diarrhea, Vietnam.

  • Chủ đề : Infectious Diseses
  • Loại bài báo : Case Report
  • Chuyên nghành : Clinical Medicine

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Chưa có mã code, vui lòng liên hệ để nhận mã theo số điện thoại : 0947040855 - Email :

  • Thông tin liên hệ : Nguyen Thuy Dung
  • Email :
  • Địa chỉ : Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital

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