Pre-operative anxiety and perceptions of illness uncertainty among parents of child with operation at the center of ear, nose, throat and cochlear implantation, Hanoi Medical University Hospital

  • Mã bài báo : 11.EN.11
  • Ngày xuất bản : 30/11/2023
  • Số trang : 98-108
  • Tác giả : Nguyen Thi Anh Dao
  • Lượt xem : ( 128 )

Danh sách tác giả (*)

  • Nguyen Thi Anh Dao 1 - Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Truong Quang Trung - Hanoi Medical University
  • Hoang Thi Van Anh - Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Le Anh Tuyet - Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Bui Minh Thu - Bach Mai Medical College

Introduction: Surgery is a medical procedure which has several risks and complications. Consequently, it makes parents of in- patient children undergoing surgery experience a high level of illness uncertainty (IU) demonstrated as a source of anxiety. Anxiety aected both family and the treatment process. Objectives: This study was conducted to explore the level of anxiety and uncertainty among parents of children undergoing surgery and identied associated factors. 
Participants and Methods: 50 parents of children undergoing surgery at the Center of ENT and Cochlear Implantation were invited to complete research questionnaire (100% response rate) from September 15th  to October 19th , 2021. The level of anxiety was measured using the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the perception of illness uncertainty was measured by Parental Perception of Uncertainty in Illness Scale (PPUS). 
Results: The mean scores of State anxiety was 43.56 43.56 ± 6.5 and Trait anxiety was 45±7.513. Of all  parents, 44% had state anxiety and 56% had Trait anxiety. PPUS showed the mean score was 85.9±16.26. Parent living in rural areas (OR=7.2, CI: 1.88 – 27.52)  high uncertainty in illness (r=0.345, p=014) were signicantly associated with parental anxiety.
Conclusion:  Levels of preoperative parental anxiety and uncertainty were moderate. Parental anxiety was signicantly associated with age of parents, residence and parents’ uncertainty. 
Keywords: Anxiety, Parents, Children, Surgery, ENT.

  • DOI : 10.52322/jocmbmh.11.en.11
  • Chủ đề : Mental Health
  • Loại bài báo : Original Research
  • Chuyên nghành : Clinical Medicine

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  • Thông tin liên hệ : Nguyen Thi Anh Dao
  • Email :
  • Địa chỉ : Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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